Please also reference the FAQs for “Your Sleep Study” if your MSLT follows a full night sleep study test.
Some patients are scheduled to stay the next day after their sleep study for a Multiple Sleep Latency Test. This test evaluates daytime sleepiness. When you wake up in the morning from your sleep study, the technologist will remove the breathing sensors and leg electrodes but will leave the head and EKG electrodes attached. These will stay on all day.
At two-hour intervals beginning at 8:00 a.m., you will be asked to lie down in bed and close your eyes for twenty minutes. These naps will continue throughout the day at approximately the following intervals: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. When each nap is over, you will be asked questions about your sleep and how sleepy or alert you feel. Between the napping periods, you will be able to watch television, read, or use your computer, but you will not be allowed to lie down or take additional naps. After the last nap, the technologist will remove the electrodes and you will be allowed to leave sometime around 5:00 p.m.
Prepare yourself for your night in the Sleep Center as if you were going to spend a night at a hotel; bring with you everything you would need to spend the night away from home. This should include all medications, your pajamas or loose comfortable clothing to sleep in, toothbrush, books to read, etc. If you wish, you may bring your own pillow. You will not need to bring an alarm clock as the sleep technologist will wake you up in the morning. Please keep in mind that cell phones and pagers should be turned off, so that they will not disrupt your sleep study or another patient's sleep.
Smoking, alcohol use, illegal drugs and weapons are strictly prohibited on the premises.
If you will be staying for the daytime nap test (MSLT), you should bring something to read or view (such as a computer) to help pass the time between the nap tests. Please also bring something to eat for breakfast and lunch or be prepared to purchase food from the deli in the building.